Tuesday, 1 May 2012

What is Biology?

A branch of science that deals with the study of all aspects of living things.

Major Branches of biology:

1: Botany : Branch of biology that deals with the study of plants.

2: Zoology : Branch of biology that deals with the study of animals.

3: Microbiology : Branch of biology that deals with the study of micro-organisms.

Sub Branches of Biology:

Following are the main sub branches of biology.
1: MORPHOLOGY: Branch of biology that deals with the study of external characteristics of living organisms.

2: ANATOMY: Branch of biology that deals with the study of internal characteristics of living organisms.

3: HISTOLOGY: Branch of biology that deals with the study of Tissues of plants and animals under microscope.

Branch of biology that deals with the study of structure, function, and composition of cell and organelles of plants animals.

Branch of biology that deals with the study of functions and activities of various organs.

Branch of biology that deals with the study of relationship of organisms between eachother and with their non living environment. It is also known as Environment Biology.

Branch of biology that deals with the study of progressive development changes which occur after zygote formation up to the formation of organism.

8: TAXONOMY: Branch of biology that deals with the study of description, identification, classification and scientific naming of an organism according to their similarities and dissimilarities.

Branch of biology that deals with the study of transmission of hereditary characters from parents to their offsprings.

Branch of biology that deals with the study of plants and animals now founds as fossils in the rocks. It is further divide in to two branches.
a: Paleobotany: It is the study of plant fossils.
b: Paleozoology: It is the study of animal fossils.

Branch of biology that deals with the study of applications of biological processes for the benefit of the mankind.